RAM Audio LMS244 Digital Controller
The configuration Icons allow immediate access to any of the configuration screens.
The tool bar offers such options as Read, Create, Save configurations and all options related to the
communication with the unit: connection, DSP Operating System updating, password protection,
keyboard locking and storing configuration to memories.
The Status bar informs you of the kind of communication established with the processor: Offline,
COM1 to 4.
The Menu bar gives access to the menus:
File (working with files and exiting the program), Configuration (communication options), View (access
to configuration screens), Copy Outputs (copy configurations from one output to other) and Help.
The System button allows you to name the configuration you have created and to add more
information such as the name of the project, installation, name of the engineer and comments.
3.2. Configuration buttons
: gives access to the "Input and Output configuration" window in which it
is possible to re-name inputs A and B, and outputs 1 - 4 as well as name the complete
configuration. These names are also stored in the processor subsequently appearing in the
units display.
: gives access to the "Input and Output Levels" window. From this window it is possible
to configure all input and output gains. Also in this window the options for output-mute and
output phase-invert are accessible.
: allows the configuration of the input delays (delay buttons located at the inputs) and
output delays (delay button located at the outputs). Input delays are up to 290ms (approx. 100
meters) for use as a main delay line. Output delays are available up to 10ms. (3,5 meters) for
the correct time-alignment of multi-channel systems.
: Allows control of Global equalizer and parameter configuration for inputs A, B and
M which is an internally generated mono channel. 6 completely configurable filters per input
are available the type of which can be individually selected from the following: Parametric,
Shelving low 6dB and 12dB/oct, shelving high 6dB and 12dB/oct, Low pass, Band pass,
Reject band and first or second order All pass.
: allows the selection of input signal to each output. When selecting device
configuration from the Operation mode list, the Route buttons are configured according to the
selected mode. Route modification is only freely configurable in the mode Free Route.
XOVER (Crossover)
: allows access to the crossover configuration window, where the
configuration of the frequency dividing filters for each output can be set. Filters available are:
Linkwitz-Riley, Butterworth, Bessel and Custom (where resonance frequency and Q-factor are
editable for each second order filter) with slopes of up to 48 dB/oct. Bypass is also selectable
permitting the configuration of a full-range output.
Output EQ (output channel equalizer)
: situated after the crossover, provides access to the
individual equalization parameters of each output channel. There are 6 filters in each output
with the same features as in the INPUT EQ. This window also displays the effect of the
different filters and gains to the total input-output frequency response, as well as the effect of
delays and the response of the loudspeakers in both magnitude and phase.
: allows access to the "Dynamic configuration - Noise Gate" window. Here the
configuration of all compressor/limiter and individual noise gate parameters per output can be
: a general identification window showing system name, the project it belongs to, the
installation, the system engineer and general comments.