Gazelle S1512i-PWR (A) User Manual
Raisecom Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Raisecom Technology Co., Ltd.
Figure 4-8
LC/PC fiber connector
When connecting or removing the LC/PC fiber connector, align the connector with the optical
interface, and do not rotate the fiber. Operate the fiber as below:
To connect the fiber, align the head of the fiber with the optical interface and insert the
fiber into the interface gently.
To remove the fiber, press down the clamping connector, and push the fiber head
inwards, and then pull the fiber out.
4.4.3 Wiring
Table 4-7 lists the wiring of the fiber.
Table 4-7
Wiring of the fiber
Local optical interface
Direction of
optical signals
Peer optical interface
Optical interface
Optical interface
Optical interface Tx
Optical interface Rx
Optical interface Rx
Optical interface Tx
4.5 Digital input cable
4.5.1 Introduction
The digital input interface on the Gazelle S1512i-PWR uses 4 pins of the 5-pin Phoenix
connector (with spaces of 5.08 mm) to input external alarms from an external device.
The digital input interface supports 2 ways of DI. Each way supports two statuses:
Status 1: the input voltage is 13–30 V.
Status 2: the input voltage is -30 to 1 V.
The condition for triggering alarms can be configured as required. By default, it is status 1.
If status 1 is configured as the alarm status, status 2 is the normal status.