Frequent harvesting helps maintain a healthy garden, but remember to
never harvest more than 1/3 of each plant at a time.
For most salad greens, cut off 2 inches from the top of each plant, or
harvest large leaves individually by cutting them off the base of the plant.
When fruiting plants (tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, eggplants,
cucumbers, etc.) begin to bloom, we recommend that you hand pollinate
them to help your plants increase crop yields.
When pollinating, according to the condition of the plant, use one or more
of the following methods:
Make sure to use Flowers & Fruits Mode.
When the plants are flowering or fruiting, change the water and add
nutrients in the correct proportion every week to ensure that the plants
absorb enough potassium to flower and bear fruit.
This indoor garden kit works best with a harvesting method known as
"cut and cut again". In short, you enjoy frequent small harvests, then
allow the plants to regrow and harvest again and again.
Enjoy frequent, smaller harvests the first month or two until the plants
mature to provide larger harvests.
Place a fan near the plant, and the flowing air will pollinate the plant.
Use a fine brush or cotton swab to pick up the pollen from the stamens
and apply it to the pistils. (Recommended)
Place your open hand inside the plant branch and gently move your hand
back and forth to shake the plant and spread the pollen. Handle with care
to prevent injury to the plant and inflorescences.