Adding chemicals will take only a few minutes but removing the chemicals depends upon
the natural dissipation from the pool water, which could take weeks
Add pool chemicals slowly and with appropriate care, allowing sufficient time for complete
dissolving and mixing throughout the pool water and then carry out water tests to determine
whether the correct amounts have been added
Take samples at a point near the skimmer box, for this is where the water is completely
mixed, giving the most accurate readings. Never take samples near the pool returns
(eyeballs) where the Chemigem may have freshly dosed the pool water
Do not overdose the pool water with either Chlorine, pool Acid or Stabiliser
pH is lowered by the addition of pool Acid
Excess pool Acid (low pH) is neutralised with Sodium Carbonate (strong) or Sodium
Bicarbonate (less strong)
Excess Chlorine is neutralised with Sodium Thiosulphate
Excess Alkalinity is neutralised with Hydrochloric acid (Muriatic acid)
Pool Acid
The Chemigem is designed to automatically help keep the correct level of pH (and Chlorine)
in pool water by continuously monitoring the water chemistry while the pool pump is operating.
Pool Acid (and Chlorine) is dosed into the pool water as and when necessary.
There are two kinds of pool Acid in common use and the unit is able to use both:
Hydrochloric Acid (muriatic acid).
Non-Fuming Pool Acid (dilute sulphuric acid)
It is strongly recommended that the non-fuming pool Acid be used because the
Hydrochloric acid gives off corrosive and highly irritating fumes in its concentrated
form. It must be kept at least 6 feet from the unit unless diluted at least 5 to 1 with water.
Diluting Pool Acid is strongly recommended as follows:
Pools larger than 90,000 litres ..................... 15 litre drum, full strength
50,000 to 90,000 litres ................................. 15 litres diluted 1:5 with water
10,000 to 50,000 litres ................................. 15 litres diluted 1:10 with water
Spas/pools 2,000 to 10,000 litres ................ 15 litres diluted 1:15 with water
Spas less than 2,000 litres .......................... 15 litres diluted 1:20 with water
IMPORTANT Always add concentrated Acid to the water not the water to the
concentrated Acid. Small quantities of water will react violently with concentrated Acid,
giving off heat and boiling the water that may splash Acid.