The last step to completing your splash pad is the start-up. At this stage,
all plumbing, electrical, concrete and surface material should be
complete. If the water source (i.e. holding tank, pool) is not yet full, fill
it up. Determine that the 3-way diverter valve is set to the
position so that the water will be returned to the water source and not the
splash pad.
NOTE: The 3-way valve must be fully open to the bypass side and
closed to the splash pad side when starting up the system—failure to
do so may result in over heating the pump and causing damage.
To get the pump and filter primed and running properly, follow the
instruction manual that came with the pump and filter. In general, you
will need to fill the pump basket with water, secure the pump lid and run
the pump while bleeding air from the filter until completely primed.
Once the system is primed and running, slowly divert the water to the
splash pad using the 3-way diverter valve until the desired pressure is
achieved. This should be done
inserting the Rain Deck spray noz-
zles to cause any debris in the system to be flushed. Attach the Rain
Deck spray nozzles by screwing them into the Rain Deck housings.
Your splash pad should now be complete.
If you have any questions during the start-up of your splash pad or
require troubleshooting assistance, please feel free to contact Rain Deck.
Your Splash Pad Product and Installation Resource
For Installation Support:
email: [email protected]
phone: 888-445-RAIN (7246)