SMRT-Y Soil Moisture Sensor
Within the wiring box, connect the sensor wires to the extension cable that leads to the valve box. Use
grease caps for all connections after confirming proper system operation. If the extension cable wire
colors do not match the wire colors from the sensor, write down the extension cable wire colors that
correspond to the Red, White and Black wires from the sensor.
In the valve box, disconnect the marked zone wire from the valve and connect it to the extension
cable wire previously attached to the Red sensor wire. No other wires should be attached to this
connection. Re-connect the disconnected valve wire to the Black sensor wire extension. Connect the
White sensor wire extension to the common wire in the valve box. Make sure all valves in the valve
box share the same common connection with the White sensor wire (see Figure 5). Use grease caps
for all connections after confirming proper system operation (see wiring diagram included in your kit).