The following pages contain possible problems you may encounter and some solutions. Before calling
Rain Bird, check this list. If you cannot solve the problem yourself, call our Technical Service Hotline at
1-800-247-3782 (1-800-BIRD-SVC) and we will be glad to help you.
General Troubleshooting
The display is flashing.
There may be a power outage. Or, check the battery; it may be dead or improperly connected.
Parts are missing or damaged.
Try one of the following solutions:
• Damage occurred during shipping. Return the controller.
Lightning has damaged the controller. If the controller is installed, replace the piece that is
damaged (front panel, output board, transformer, cabinet, etc.).
The controller is dead; the display is blank and there is no station output.
Try one of the following solutions:
• There is no power to the controller. Check that the main power source is on.
• The transformer is not connected properly. Check that the 5-wire cable from the transformer is
properly connected to J7 on the controller output board.
• The transformer is bad. Check if there are 24 V AC between the “24VAC” and “COM” terminals.