Rail King Southern Pacific 4-8-4 Bantam Daylight Steam... Operation Manual Download Page 17

Quick-Start Video

RailWare Interactive CD ROM

Installing Adobe Acrobat Software

The included VHS Quick-Start video demonstrates thestart-upandbasicoperationofthis
set as well as otherinformation about modelrailroading. You may find it helpful toview
the video before operating this set.

M.T.H. providesafreeRailWareCDROMineachReady-To-Runset. Itisfullofhelpful
information o n M.T.H. product history, track planningsoftware,adealerfinder,and
informationandvideoclipsonLoco-SoundandProto-Sound2.0. Follow the directions
below to usetheCDROM.

Minimum System Requirements: Pentium 100,16MBRAM,Windows95orlater,CD
ROMdrive,SoundCard, display propertiessettogreaterthan256 colors. The CD will
not work on a Mac OS unless yourunVirtualPC .

You may run the RR-Tracksoftwaredirectly off of the CDROMoryoumayinstallthe
software to your hard drive.

On the Desktop, click on the icon thatsays My Computer.


Find your CDROMdrive.


With the M.T.H. CDROMinthedrive,doubleclickontheiconfortheCDROM



Find the folder on the CDROMentitledINSTALLATION.





The programmayaskyoufor a registration code. If it does type in "M.T.H." and it will

To read some of theelectronic documents included on the CDROM,youwillneedto
install theAdobeAcrobat Reader if it is not already on your computer. To install the

On the Desktop, click on the icon thatsays My Computer.


Find your CDROMdrive.


With the MTH CD ROM in the drive, doubleclickontheiconfortheCDROM



Find the folder on the CDROMentitledINSTALLATION.



*If youarerunningWindows95, 98 or NT choosethefolder32BIT.Runthefile
AR32E301.EXE and follow the directions it provides.

If you have problems youcannot resolve byusingthesedirections,contact
[email protected] or call 410-381-2580 for further help.



Running RR-Track Software

Additional track libraries can be obtained directlyfrom RR-Track. See their website for
more information




RailKing 4-8-4 BantamDaylight Steam Passenger Set with Proto-Sound® 2.0

Summary of Contents for Southern Pacific 4-8-4 Bantam Daylight Steam...

Page 1: ...urchasing this RailKing product PLEASE READ BEFORE USE AND SAVE www railking com Southern Pacific 4 8 4 Bantam Daylight Steam Passenger Set Southern Pacific 4 8 4 Bantam Daylight Steam Passenger Set O...

Page 2: ...s removedfromthecircuit Unplugthetransformerfromtheelectricalwalloutletwhennotinuse Donotusethistransformerforotherthanitsintendedpurpose Input 120VAC 60HzOnly Outpu l l l l l l l l l Donotoperatetheh...

Page 3: ...Tools Needed Cotton Swab orRag PhilipsScrewdriver RailKing MaintenanceKitor LightHouseholdOilandBearingGrease Pliers Scissors Youcanobtain replacement partsandreplacement instructions from the M T H P...

Page 4: ...ypushtogetherRealTrax Insertlock oninto knock outtab Lock onistheinterfacebetween thetrackandtransformer Makesurethemetal contactslineup AlignQuick ConnectPlugs Knock outmustberemoved beforeremotelock...

Page 5: ...h located undertheenginetotheOFF position See the ProtoSmoke Unit Operation section ofthisbookformoreinformation onsmokeunitmaintenance Y Running the engine without a primed smoke unit may cause damag...

Page 6: ...re 1997versions of Proto Sound or with Proto One Proto Plus Proto Deluxe aftermarket systems Note Plug tenderplugintoboilersocketatthebackofcab Connectthedrawbarbetweentheengineandtender DO NOT CONNEC...

Page 7: ...y way to shut downyourtrainsat the endofasessionortostop suddenlythetrain spath becomes obstructed Operation Buttons Throttle Up Throttle up the power to your trackbypressingthetopendoftheThrottle Con...

Page 8: ...ybutfirmlytap the Bell button once followed by2quicktapsoftheWhistlebuttonwhiletheengineismoving Tap the buttons quicklybutallowapproximately second between each press Press the Direction buttononceto...

Page 9: ...hatengine smotor disable feature willnot be active when you run PSA in Proto Sound2 0 PSAcanbetriggeredfromNeutral It will operate the same as if triggered while in motion except that attheconclusiono...

Page 10: ...eneachquickbuttonpress Twohorn blasts will indicate that the engine has madethechange Repeat the 1 whistle 2 bells code toreturnittotheothercondition You will want to do this duringtheinitialneutral u...

Page 11: ...istle blasts willindicatethattheenginehasmadethechange Certain Proto Sound2 0soundeffectsautomaticallyplayinprogrammedconventional modeconditions play any time the engine s speeddecreases rapidly play...

Page 12: ...shouldbeoiledandgreasedinordertorunproperly Regularly lubricate all side rods and linkage components and pickup rollers toprevent squeaking Use light household oil such asthatfoundinM T H s maintenan...

Page 13: ...engine The smoke unitisessentiallyasmallheatingelementand wick that soaks upandthenheatsamineraloil basedfluidthatemitsaharmlesssmoke The smokeisthenforcedoutofthestackbyasmallelectricfan Withafeweasy...

Page 14: ...age add another 25dropsoffluid letting the wicksoak up the fluid for 15 minutes priortooperation If you experience poor or nosmokeoutput when the smoke unitisonandhasfluid checkthewicktosee if it has...

Page 15: ...bulbbracketasseenin the illustration on the right androtatethe headlightbulbcounter clockwise to remove 15 Turn thecaroverandremovethetwomountingscrewsholdingtheroofon Gentlypullthebulbawayfromitshous...

Page 16: ...ere are a number of ways you candothis Leave theengineinneutralwithtrackvoltageat10 12voltsfor6 7hoursso the batterycanfullyrecharge ifyourenginehasasmokeunit besureitis turned off Use M T H s battery...

Page 17: ...fortheCDROM drive 4 Find the folder on the CDROMentitledINSTALLATION 5 ChoosethefolderinsideentitledRRTRAXSETUP 6 RunthefileinthatfoldercalledSETUP EXEandfollowthedirectionsitprovides The programmayas...

Page 18: ...eration section for more details Youmaynotbesendingenoughpowertothetrack topowertheengine Press thethrottle upforafew moresecondstoincreasetrackpower Thebattery mayhave rundown especially if the engin...

Page 19: ...lautomaticallycomes on When PSA is enabled pressing theHorn and bell buttonshas no effect I pushthe Directionbutton butthenext sound clipinthesequencedoesnotplayor the enginedoes notcomeoutofPSAafter...

Page 20: ...5 16v 90 Watt Standard Lionel1043 U A 5 16v 90 Watt Standard Lionel1043M U A 5 16v 90 Watt Standard Lionel1044 U A 5 16v 90 Watt Standard Lionel1053 U A 8 17v 60 Watt Standard Lionel1063 U A 8 17v 60...

Page 21: ...locomotivespeaker during operation Proto Cast Allows userstoplayaudiorecordingsthroughlocomotivespeaker during operation Proto Doppler Sound Effects Set Up Users can configurelocomotiveforDoppler Oper...

Page 22: ...ight 4449 metal 13 Lens headlight clear FA 1230022 14 Light reflector black plastic CI 0000024 15 Smoke unit Proto Sound 2 0 AA 0000029 16 Bulb clear headlight CA 0000038 6v screw base small globe 17...

Page 23: ...0 Voltage regulator LM2937ET AG 0000032 41 Insulator clear ID 0000024 13 0x19 0x0 1mm thick single hole 42 Wire nut yellow BI 4500003 43 Pin 5 0x25 0mm IG 0000033 1 5x8 0mm flathead 2 e clip grooves 4...

Page 24: ...Spacer black ID 0000014 3 5x15 0x2 5mm metal cupped 62 Traction tire DE 0000022 63 Washer black ID 0000040 3 0x6 0x0 4mm fiber 64 Screw IA 0000060 6 32x4 0mm roundhead NS Wire harness BC 1200013 10 pi...

Page 25: ...36 34 2 39 41 58 33 54 57 17 40 51 53 31 37 49 50 45 46 38 52 35 63 64 36 60 34 59 61 50 2 2 37 35 27 29 2 32 25 44 43 45 45 46 47 48 42 23 28 26 18 15 21 22 20 11 5 9 7 24 10 19 35 1 56 55 62 62 3 2...

Page 26: ...ndhead IA 0000010 17 Gasket black IB 0000009 speaker ring 43 8x49 8x3 0mm foam 18 black has holes for battery charger jack 19 Screw IA 0000025 M3x16 0mm washer head self drilling threads 20 T bar IG 0...

Page 27: ...4 8 4 Gs 4 Steam Locomotive Tender Parts 27 3 7 1 24 23 22 21 20 2 8 9 15 10 14 27 5 18 11 12 6 4 16 25 26 19 19 4 13 17 RailKing 4 8 4 BantamDaylight Steam Passenger Set with Proto Sound 2 0...

Page 28: ...t and a full description of the problem must be included to facilitate the repairs Please include the description regardless of whether you discussed the problem with a service technician when contact...
