Self-Charging Battery Back-Up
The special NiCad7-cell8.4vself-chargingbatteryrecharges continuously duringtrain
operationand should last for uptofiveyears. The battery i s a drybatterythatshouldnot
leak or cause anydamagetoyourengine.
If enginesoundsseemdistorted
or garbledatlowvoltagesorbecomesilentwhenpowerfromthetransformeristurned
off, test the battery todetermine whether it should be rechargedorreplaced.
Put theengineinneutralandleavethetrackvoltageat10-12volts(high
enough for the lights toshinebrightlyand the engine to movesteadily) for 15
Ifthesoundsareimp roved attheendofthe15-minutetestcharge,the
battery charge has rundown andcanberecharged. There are a number of ways you
Leave theengineinneutralwithtrackvoltageat10-12voltsfor6-7hoursso
the batterycanfullyrecharge(ifyourenginehasasmokeunit,besureitis
turned off).
Use M.T.H.'s batteryrecharger (sold separately) thatplugs into a wall outlet and
a special port under the tendertorechargethebatteryovernight withoutleaving
it onthetrack.
Ifthesoundsarenotimprovedattheendofthe15-minutetestcharge, it is
time toreplacethebatt
replacement arrives, but since alkaline batteries
cannot be recharged, it will eventually wear down.
Depending upon when yourengine was
built, it may needtobechargedrightoutofthebox.
Do NOTusea6-cell7.2v
ery. Available through M.T.H. Parts. A standard 9valkaline
battery can be substituted until your
Battery Charger
ItemNo. 50-1005
RailKing 4-8-4 BantamDaylight Steam Passenger Set with Proto-Sound® 2.0