Appendix A Frequently asked questions
Q: Is it alright to use RAID 1 to do hard disk backup function?
A: Yes. RAID 1 is a mirror function itself. If your hark disk requires RAID 1 to do backup function,
please place your hard disk containing data in Pri HDD (Source) position to set as RAID 1, and after
booting, place the new hard disk in Sec HDD (Target) position. The system will do data backup
function automatically. After GR3630 has finished rebuilding, the data in two hard disks would be
exactly the same.
Q: Is it alright to use a single hard disk under RAID 1?
A: Yes, but it would completely loss its originally RAID 1 data security function. We suggest you to
use two hard disks under RAID 1 mode to ensure data security. Under a single hard disk, RAID 1 is
unable to perform mirroring function. If one hard disk is damaged, the interior data would be
destroyed completely. Whenever one hard disk is damaged, we suggest you to replace it with a new
one as soon as possible.
Q: If GR3630 LCD monitor displays an error in hard disk, what should I do?
A: If you are using RAID 0 mode, please ensure which hard disk has caused the error and switch off
the power of GR3630, remove the damaged hard disk and replace it with a new one. After
rebooting, the system will rebuild RAID 0 system, but the original data would all be lost.
If you are using RAID 1 mode, you can remove the damaged hard disk and replace it with a new
one directly without having to switch off power. After the new hard disk has been inserted, the
system will start to “rebuild” program automatically. After finish rebuilding, you can then use it
normally. Please note that during the process of system data rebuilding, do not remove any hard
disk to ensure an integrity of data.
Under RAID 1 status, the data “rebuild”process.
Under the circumstance that Sec HD is damaged …
Pri HDD : OK
Pri HDD : OK
Rebuild Pri => Sec
ENT = Y ESC = N 10s
Rebuilding ......
Pri => Sec 00%
Pri HDD : OK
Sec HDD : OK
Pri HDD : OK
Pri HDD : OK
Appendix A Frequently asked questions