Event to remote relays
The following events can be assigned to remote 1-64 relays by using ENGINEERS menu 23.
4-20 direct
chan fail
4-20 direct
chan hialarm
4-20 direct
chan loalarm
4-20 direct
chan hialarm
4-20 direct
chan oralarm
chan fail
chan hialarm
chan loalarm
chan oralarm
main power fail
can bus fail
Battery / Standby fail
Pressing SELECT (3) moves to each of these event groups and using UP (1) and DOWN
(5), the channel can be chosen and the + (4) and - (2) buttons decide which relay is to be
operated. Note that it is possible to not drive any relay which is the default and this is
indicated on the LCD as relay O.
Pressing DIM at this point allows relay patterns to be entered which will be output to the
external relays if this event occurs.
Pressing SELECT (3) eventually returns to the ENGINEERS menu after saving the
selections and these relays will now energise when the event occurs.
Dimming the LEDs
The leds on the main processor board and the lcd display are normally bright but can be
dimmed to give a more acceptable level of illumination in subdued control room
The DIM (6) button on the main panel when pressed will toggle the brightness between
maximum and dimmed for both.
The level to which dimming occurs can be set via the User Menu number 11.
This shows the current brightness setting and then using the UP (1) and DOWN (5)
buttons a new dim level can be set and this is shown on the LCD and on the leds
themselves. This dim value is stored in none volatile memory for future use and
subsequent power ups. In addition to dimming the leds, the LCD backlight is also dimmed
and to enable a balance between LCD brightness and led brightness, a pot on the main
PCB (RV2) allows LCD backlight adjustment.
If a repeater is connected to the main panel then the dim levels are also activated using
the same buttons on the repeater.
Mute the buzzer
When an alarm of fault condition occurs the buzzer on the main processor board will
sound. By pressing the accept button (No1) on the front panel, the buzzer will become
silent. Note:- even if the key lock terminal is active to prevent button entry, the mute
function will still silence the buzzer.
A jumper (JP3) on the PCB allows the buzzer to be isolated, this jumper should normally
be fitted.