Alteon Application Switch Operating System Application Guide
XML Configuration API
XML Configuration File
The XML configuration file conforms to the rules laid out by the DTD document. The configuration file
can either be produced by an application equipped to do so, or manually in a text editor. For
information about the form and format of the Extensible Markup Language, refer to the World Wide
Web Consortium XML Web site at
The following is an example of an XML file that could be used to configure Alteon:
XML File Transmission
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is used as the transport medium for sending XML configuration files to
Alteon. An SSL client is needed to connect to Alteon using certificate authentication. This SSL client
can be a standalone application or embedded as part of another application. After authentication
takes place, the file can be sent securely.
Certificates used for authentication purposes must be in PEM format. Self-signed certificates are
supported for this purpose.
A certificate can be either obtained via TFTP/FTP or by simply pasting the certificate directly
through the CLI:
FTC1 - ADC-VX - Main# /cfg/sys/access/xml/gtcert
Import from text or file in PEM format [text|file] [text]:
Running the “gtcert” is only allowed when you are using SSH to access Alteon, if you are using
telnet you will get the following error:
FTC1 - ADC-VX - Main# /cfg/sys/access/xml/gtcert
Access Denied: This operation can only be performed over a secure connection such as HTTPS
or SSH. Connect to Alteon using a secure protocol and retry.”
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AlteonConfig xmlns:xsi=
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="AOSConfig.xsd" Version="1">
<Cli Command="/c/ip/if 1/en"/>
<Cli Command="/c/l3/if 1 addr"/>
<Cli Command="/c/l3/if 1 mask"/>
<Cli Command="/c/l3/if 1 broad"/>