04 Beep
beep sound for pressing keys
05 Language
selection of languages
According to software versions (last letter in software version „e” or „w”)
following languages are accessible:
(e) language versions
(w) language versions
Polish Polish
English English
Czech Italian
German German
Dutch Dutch
Russian French
06 Backlight
switch on/off the backlight
07 Contrast
changes contrast – after entering this function a window appears, by
means of keys on the balance the contrast on the display can be changed
08 Screen server
if the screen server is enabled displayed values disappear after settled
time and if measurement does not change.
09 Balance Id
the information about factory number of the balance
10 Software rev.
information about software version of the balance
11 Par. printout
if the function is active the balance parameters are printed. User can set
numbers of the parameters which should be printed.