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Set value of parameter P4 07 Air buoyancy correction to 1: yes
After returning to weighing mode with procedure of saving changes the display indicates
pictogram (!). From now on the displayed mass is corrected in relation to buoyed air and
density of weighed sample.
Fig. 23-2. Balance menu – enabling air buoyancy correction
In order to correct the mass of weighed object using air buoyancy correction mode,
remember to apply current density values of the air and the weighed sample.
Determining the coefficient value for known density of air and
weighed sample
If the balance is connected with an external PC keyboard PS/2 type, that the same
operation is initiated by pressing [Insert] key on the PC keyboard. The balance displays a
window for entering the density values of air and weighed sample.
Fig. 23-3. Display in air buoyancy correction mode – entering density of weighed
sample and air
roS – density of weighed sample
roA – density of air
After entering the density values return to weighing mode by pressing ENTER key.