WiNRADiO G65DDC User’s Guide
FSK Mode
Frequency Shift Keying
) mode performs in a similar manner to the
CW mode, in that all of the parameters associated with CW are also available
with FSK, but each with its own independent setting. Of particular note is the
frequency: With CW, or Morse transmission, this is typically set to 800 Hz
to provide a comfortable sound for the listener. However, with FSK
transmissions, because of the need to make the frequency readout of the main
receiver display correspond to the published frequency allocation tables, the
tone frequency must be different. The FSK tone frequency is traditionally set to
1.9 kHz due to the typical characteristics of modems relying on transmitters
operating in a suppressed carrier mode. However, any offset may be used,
and the values are automatically saved.
UDM Mode
User Definable Mode
) makes it possible to define any set of
parameters for a special application. All settings, including the actual
demodulation mode, may be selected and saved. For instance a user may
wish to have a special USB mode with a very wide demodulation bandwidth,
and unusual audio filter settings, and these may all be catered for, saved, and
be available for quick and easy recall.
Note that as there are three receivers in the Excalibur Sigma, each
receiver can have its mode set independently. The current mode setting
for each receiver will be remembered when the user exists the program.
Function Tabs
Function tabs
are located under the mode buttons:
The function tabs contain numerous essential and ancillary functions
dedicated to various aspects of the receiver’s operation.