WiNRADiO G65DDC User’s Guide
invoked simply by dragging the filter passband with the right mouse button
instead of the left one. This makes it possible to finely adjust the filter position
in the AMS, LSB, USB, ISB, DSB and CW modes without the whistle effect,
because the internal “digital BFO” will be tuned alongside the passband
When the demodulator passband is being dragged using the right mouse
button, a red
indicator will appear next to the cursor to indicate you are in
the PBT mode, and showing the tuning offset at the same time:
To revert to the IF shift mode, simply use the left mouse button again.
Frequency Stepping
To make the chapter on tuning complete, we need to fast forward a bit: There
is one more tuning facility located on the right under the
Tuning tab
(all the
function tabs
will be described in more detail in one of the following
control selects the stepping size. The following convenient step
sizes are available: 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 3.125 kHz, 5 kHz, 6.25 kHz, 9
kHz, 10 kHz, 12.5 kHz, 25 kHz, 50 kHz, 100 kHz. The left
and right
arrow buttons perform the actual stepping.