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The ultrasonic shown in the above pic is under unusual working condition.The possible reasons are:
a. PRX_TYPE value is set wrong
b. PRX_TYPE value is set 4, but SUI04 is not connected. If SUI04 need to be turned off, PRX_TYPE value should
be set 0.
c. SUI04 connect incorrectly
2) MP note: PreArm: Proximity X deg,0.40m, as shown below
The above screenshot shows SUI04 detects the distance less then 60cm and is locked by the flight controller. To
armed SUI04, the distance between the drone and obstacles should be more than 60cm.
Function Two:Collision Avoidance Upward
The collision avoidance upward function is same as the obstacle avoidance function, the direction of SUI04
upward can be setup by pressing the same button.
Press the button 6 times and the LED flashes 6 times, and the direction of SUI04 is set upward.
The corresponding distance of collision avoidance can be set by the value of AVOID_MARGIN as the previous steps
As only the horizontal distances are available on the data check interface, upward data can be checked on
DataFlash Logs.