RadioLink Electronic Limited
and Mode3 can be selected.
Alarm voltage: the initial voltage is 4.5V, it means that when the current receiver input
voltage is lower than 4.5V, the transmitter will alarm, 3.3V to 12V can be selected.
Alarm interval: the interval period for alarm, if the current receiver input voltage is lower than
the alarm voltage you have set, it defaults alarm once every 10 seconds, the alarm interval time
can be customized.
Transmitter voltage: please refer to
2.1.5 Battery (Transmitter Battery Voltage)
EXT voltage: please refer to
2.4.3 Voice
Auto: broadcast the sensor status automatically with sound, such as: the current signal
strength, the current receiver input voltage, the
current transmitter voltage, the EXT voltage etc.
The button at the right of “Auto” is OFF, and the
background color of the select box is grey, indicating
that the broadcast automatically function is turn off.
The button at the right of “Auto” is ON, and the background color of the select box is blue,
indicating that the broadcast automatically function is turn on.
Switch: PS1/PS2/PS3/PS4/PS5/Steering/Trigger can be set to turn on the sensor status and
time broadcast automatically function. If both the sensor status and time broadcast
automatically function are turned on, they will be broadcasted according to the order list of the
menu. Before setting the switch, please check if the button you are ready to select has occupied