RadioLink Electronic Limited
4WS type: four types can be selected.
Type1: Function OFF (front only)
Type2: switching between front side only and front side normal but rear side reverse
Type3: switching from front side only, front side normal but rear side reverse phase, and
the front and rear keep the same phase
Type4: switching from front side only, front side
normal but rear side reverse phase, the front and rear keep
the same phase, and rear side only
4WS CH1/CH2: CH1 to CH8 can be selected to control
the steering servo of the car.
CH1/CH2 rate: to set the front rate or rear rate, the
initial value is 100%, -120% to 120% can be selected. Both
CH1 and CH2 rate set positive or negative value, the front
and rear steering will keep move the same direction, while if the CH1 rate set the positive value
and the CH2 rate set the negative value, the front steering and the rear steering will move the
opposite direction.
4WS mixing
at the top right corner to switch the setting
menu from 4WS mixing type and rate setting menu to the