Introduce Your Dog to the Treat&Train™
Dogs quickly learn to love the Treat&Train™ when introduced correctly . Some dogs are
afraid of electronics with sounds and moving parts . Here is the safe way to introduce
this tool .
Put the Treat&Train™ on the floor. Introduce your dog to it by placing treats in the
treat bowl. Once your dog has finished, add a few more pieces. If your dog is tentative
around the unit, switch to better treats such as peanut butter or cheese spread.
Repeat this step until he will immediately and without hesitation eat the treats in
the bowl .
With the VOLUME set to OFF, hit DISPENSE on the remote control to dispense
treats. At first, do this when the dog is still looking at the bowl or near the bowl. If he
doesn’t notice the treats, then show him by pointing . Repeat this a few times until
you’re sure he’s comfortable with the sound of the machine dispensing treats . Don’t
point the remote at your dog or at the machine. You want your pooch to associate
treats with you and not with the remote control.
Note: If you think your dog might be afraid of the movement of the Treat&Train™,
then modify Step B by starting with your dog over five feet away from the unit. Hit
DISPENSE and point to the treat . If he is far enough away and the treats are tasty
enough, he will trot up to the unit to eat the treats in the bowl . Repeat until he’s
comfortable at that distance . Then move the machine closer until he can be right
next to the machine and looks relaxed while the treats are dispensing .
Switch the VOLUME from OFF to LOW and repeat Step B. The goal is for your dog to
learn that the tone means a treat is coming . When he orients to the new sound and
sees the treats dropping into the bowl, he should run to get the food . Point to the
bowl a few more times, if needed . Repeat .
Once he gets the idea, start dispensing only when he’s looking at you so he learns
it’s still important to look to you for direction instead of becoming fixated on the
Treat&Train™ . Make sure you never dispense treats when he’s barking or pawing at the
machine . To prevent this, give a few treats by hand so he’s more likely to look at you
and then reward him for standing quietly .