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Radio Engineering Industries, Inc.
640434 -- Rev 0 -- 9/30/2011
EXPORT: To export videos, first select the videos that need to be
exported, then press EXPORT button (external USB storage needs to be
plugged in first).
EXIT Button: Exit Event List page.
DVR Firmware Upgrading
Due to improvements in technology and the availability of new features, the SD40
DVR comes with the ability to have the firmware (DVR operating system) be easily
upgraded in the field. There are several ways this can be done: through the Ethernet
connection or through the front panel USB connection.
Front Panel USB Firmware Upgrade
Create a directory named “dvrupgrade” on the USB external storage on a
computer and put the upgrade file in that directory. Press BRUSH button on the remote or
enter Utility Menu and select the type of firmware that needs upgrading. The DVR will
automatically upgrade.
Ethernet Firmware Upgrade
The user can access the DVR configuration menu from a computer using REI
software. In the configuration menu, choose the firmware file then click upgrade to
upgrade the firmware.