There will be found six pairs of leads coining out of the cable
just above these batteries, one of each pair being a short lead, the
other a long lead. Connect each of the short leads (+A) to the central
(positive) binding posts of their respective batteries. Connect each of
the long leads (—A) to the outside (negative) binding posts of their
respective batteries (Fig. 10).
After all the above connections have been made, it may be well
to examine them and to note that they all agree with the connections
illustrated in Fig. 13 and those shown on the "Instruction Card"
fastened to the cabinet cover.
Connect Six Short Leads to Center Posts and Six Long
Leads to Outside Posts
Fig. 10. Connections to "A" Batteries
Insertion of Radiotrons.
All the Radiotrons should be handled
with care. Before installing the Radiotrons, turn the "
F. Fig. 13, to "
and push in the filament switch
K in the center of the vertical control panel.
Unpack the five Radiotrons, Model UX-199, from their cartons.
It will be noted that the Radiotrons have two small and two large
diameter pins. The Radiotrons should be so faced that the two small
sized pins enter the holes on the forward side of the sockets. Place the
Radiotrons UX-199 in sockets 1 to 5, starting from the right-hand
side, when facing the front of the set.
Unpack Radiotron UX-120 and insert it in tube socket 6 (the one
on the extreme left of the tube socket unit). It is important to locate
Radiotron UX-120 in socket 6 only.