The apparatus and devices which, or the use of which, are
covered by patents, are sold only under certain specified licenses
set forth in a notice attached permanently to the said apparatus and
devices, or if this is impracticable on account of size, then on tags
or wrappers attached to the said apparatus and devices or on the
cartons containing the same. This license notice is as follows:
"In connection with devices it sells. Radio Corporation of
America has rights under patents having claims:
(a) on the devices themselves and (b) on combinations of the
devices with other devices or elements, as, for example, in various
circuits and hookups.
"The sale of this device carries a license under the patent
claims of (a) but only for (1) talking machine uses, (2) radio
amateur uses, (3) radio experimental uses and (4) radio broadcast
reception; and only where no business features are involved.
"The sale does not carry a license under patent claims of (b)
except only (1) for legitimate renewals and repairs in apparatus and
systems already licensed for use under such patent claims on
combinations, (2) for assembling by amateurs and experimenters,
and not by others, with other licensed parts or devices, or with
parts or devices made by themselves, but only for their own
amateur and experimental radio uses where no business features
are involved, and not for sale to or for use by others, and (3) for
use with licensed talking machines and licensed radio broadcast
receiving devices; and only where no business features are
Radio Corporation of America