2.) The operation in detail
We come to the actual operation. It is best to make three connections:
1.) RT-311 OUT 1 - this is the audio output of the first Oscillator bank.
2.) RT-311 OUT 2 - this is the audio output of the second Oscillator bank.
Connect both outputs so that you can listen to both oscillators.
3.) 1V/Oct Input - this input connects to the CV output of a CV keyboard, a MIDI/
CV interface or or to any modulation source.
When you have established the connections, we start learning the module in
manual mode.
2.1) Manual-Mode
When testing the Manual-mode, please make sure that the Mode/Shift-button
LED is lit green. If this is not the case, tap the Mode/Shift-button until the LED
color changes to green. In most cases, this is the case after a single tap.
2.1.1) Oscillator 1
The Tune knob in the upper left shifts the pitch of both oscillators by
semitones. With it, the entire Swarm oscillator can be transposed. The
pitch change is smooth but if you hold down the Mode/Shift-button during
the input, the parameter locks at Halftones without intermediate stages.
The value visualization of the LED ring reminds on the arrangement of the
keys on a keyboard. White buttons are displayed with white LEDs and
black buttons with two dark blue LEDs. In the middle position "C" the LED
lights up bright in the middle. A position to the right follows on the
keyboard a C # - a black button. When you turn the Tune knob to the right,
the middle LED and the closest one are dark blue. This is followed by a
white key on the keyboard. Since it is the second white key, the second
LED lights up brightly.
The Octaves knob changes the frequency of both oscillators by several
octaves infinitely. Holding down the Mode/Shift-button while setting it will
switch the frequency by whole octaves instead. The behavior then
corresponds to the rotary octave switches of vintage synthesizers.
With the Wave-Knob, you can adjust the waveshape infinitely. By pressing
the Mode/Shift button, the selection of the oscillation shape can be
engaged at the fundamental waveforms like the sine, triangle, sawtooth
and rectangle/PWM. The LEDs then display the selected waveshape.