6.) Save and load programs
The swarm oscillator not only allows for the storage of individual snapshots, but
also the storage and loading of 8 complete programs including the 8 snapshots.
To enter the Memory-Menu, press and hold the Memory/Sync-Button. An
animation is running in the LED circle as with the call of the Configuration-Menu.
When the animation is completed, you can release the button and are in Memory-
Mode. The Mode/Shift LED now lights up in a purple color and the already
occupied memory areas are also displayed with the color purple in the LED ring.
Unused space is not illuminated. A memory space selected by a Big Knob lights
up considerably brighter than the remaining occupied memory locations. When
you move the circle controller, the oscillator plays a circular animation with the
snapshots stored in the memory space. In this case, you have the option of
listening to the target memory once again, or selecting a different memory
location, if you need to overwrite a memory space.
Press the SNAP key to overwrite the selected memory location. (In the current
version, the newly saved memory location is not displayed directly by the LED,
but only when the memory menu has been exited and re-entered.) We ask you to
ignore this beauty error until the next version.)
If you select a memory location and press the Sync / Memory button instead of
the Snap button, the selected memory location will be loaded. After loading, the
oscillator is automatically in interpolator mode.
If you want to leave the memory menu without saving or loading anything, simply
press the Mode/Shift button.
7.) Exchange and archive programs
8 storage is not much and it would be great, if one could archive his sound
creations somewhere. Also the exchange of settings with other Swarm Oscillator
users could be an interesting additional feature. We also thought about this and
gave our swarm a memory dump function. You can always transfer the current
program to memory with all snapshots. The module sends the data via the data
output and receives the data via the speed input.
The data is output as a sophisticated audio file. For example, you can include the
settings in your DAW. But basically you can also perform the data directly with a
cable connection between the two oscillators or record and play the data with
your mobile phone.
To dump the oscillator settings, proceed as follows:
1.) Change to Interpolator-Mode by tapping the Mode/Shift-Button. The Mode/
Shift LED must light up red.
2.) Press and hold the Snap button until the LED animation has expired.
3.) Release the snap button.
Now you can listen to or record the data transfer.