Radijator COMPACT20.1 Instruction Manual Download Page 92


36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića

- Solunca br.6, Srbija

tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs

e-mail: [email protected]

Possible cause 1.

Problem 1. Poor quality of pellets. Pellets are of low power, and increased humidity

The procedure for troubleshooting of Problem 1. Provide the pellet of proved quality and
test it.

Possible cause 2.

Problem 2. Air temperature (which was brought to the fireplace for firing and burning) is
extremely low (below zero ).

The process of resolving the Problem 2. Prolonging the time for preheating of heaters for
firing t02 to the range of 300 - 400 seconds.

Possible cause 3.

Problem 3. Mains voltage that is connected onto the boiler is considerably lower than
220- 230V, so the power of the heater is lower.

The process of resolving the Problem 3. Raising the time for preheating heater for firing,
t02, to the range of 300 - 400 seconds. If this measure does not work then connect the AC
Voltage adapter.

Possible cause 4.

Problem 4. The amount of pellets in the combustion chamber is insufficient to put the
boiler into operation.

The process of resolving the Problem 4. Possible mechanical problems with pellet
conveyor. Check the accuracy of dozer.

Possible cause 5.

Problem 5. There are situations in which there is a flame , but by checking the exhaust
gases it can clearly be seen that there is not enough pellets for the boiler to pass from the
stage of stabilization ( Stabilization) into operating mode ( Run mode). This occurs
because the pellet structure (length, stickiness, the amount of dust, etc.) is such that the
time t03 of fixed feeding is not sufficient.

The process of resolving the Problem 5. This problem is eliminated by extending the
time of fixed feeding, t03. Recommendation is that this time is extended cautiously, first
for ten or fifteen seconds, and if that is not enough then for another five seconds and so
on. After that, resolving the troubleshooting should be combined with the procedure from
the following item.

Summary of Contents for COMPACT20.1

Page 1: ...a za tetu uzrokovanu osobama ivotinjama ili stvarima u slu aju gre aka pri monta i regulaciji odr avanju ili nepravilnom kori enju U slu aju curenje vode isklju iti ure aj sa elektri nog napajanja zat...

Page 2: ...kod kotla COMPACT20 1 3 3 Kotlarnica 3 4 Priklju ak na dimnjak 4 Presek kotla COMPACT20 1 sa opisom elemenata 5 ema vezivanja automatike 6 Tabela sa tehni kim podacima 7 Hidrauli na ema 8 Start rada k...

Page 3: ...po tovanje sigurnosnih mera i to Zabranjeno je kori enje kotla od strane dece i osoba sa ograni enim mogu nostima bez pratnje Zabranjeno je kori enje kotla na instalacijama sa radnim pritiskom ve im o...

Page 4: ...a moraju biti pod nadzorom staratelja kako se ne bi igrala sa ure ajem kotla Ako je o te ena strujna za tita mora biti zamenjena u samoj fabrici i servisirana od strane ovla enog servisera ili kvalifi...

Page 5: ...leta i ispadanja iz prostora za sagorevanje nedovoljne snage itd COMPACT20 1 se instalira u kotlarnici s tim to ima prednost u situacijama gde su potrebne to kompaktnije dimenzije Ukupna irina je 870m...

Page 6: ...n manipulaciji u malim prostorima Veoma je va no da ako je potrebno mogu e je na samom terenu ceo ure aj rastaviti na odvojene sklopove kotlovskog izmenjiva a silosa i pelet transportera Tom prilikom...

Page 7: ...ezno rukovanje mogu da ugroze ljudski ivot strujnim udarom Kotao na vrsto gorivo i prinudnom promajom treba instalirati prema va e im normama i zakonskim propisima Svaka izmena ili na mehani koj konst...

Page 8: ...tisak odzra ni ventili i manometar Termostati u automatici koja reguli e rad kotla COMPACT20 1 Ventil sigurnosti na pritisak slika 2 odzra ni ventili slika 3 i manometar slika 4 Slika 2 Sigurnosni ven...

Page 9: ...ajvi oj ta ki kotla a drugi na najvi oj ta ki sabirnika gde se ra vaju vod tople vode i ekspanziona posuda Ventil termi kog osiguranja oticanjem slika 5 Slika 5 Ventil termi kog osiguranja Ovaj sigurn...

Page 10: ...e dovodi hladna voda pod pritiskom Naro ito je bitno da protok te vode bude neometan i pri nestanku el energije Ukoliko je nemogu e obezbediti dotok hladne sanitarne vode i pri nestanku el energije ob...

Page 11: ...otla oba termostata imaju nezavisne sonde za merenje temperature vode Prvi termostat je tzv radni i on slu i da ograni i temperaturu do nivoa koji eli korisnik Drugi termostat je sigurnosni jer prekid...

Page 12: ...ko koliko je potrebno prostora za priklju enje ventila za termi ko osiguranje oticanjem Ako se ventil ne ugra uje onda prostor mo e da bude i manji Prostor sa desne strane kotla koji se preporu uje da...

Page 13: ...simalne snage to dovodi do kondezovanja u kotlu Uzeti u obzir neophodan minimalni prostor koji je potreban za prilaz sigurnosnim elementima i za izvr enje operacija i enja i redovnog remonta Utvrditi...

Page 14: ...itiskom u lo i tu na neko drugo gorivo kao na lo ulje na primer Popre ni presek dimnjaka treba da bude 140mm slika 9 U suprotnom mo e do i do problema u radu naro ito u fazi potpale i u re imu rada na...

Page 15: ...lno postavljene sonde nema ni rada kotla Potrebna promaja dimnjaka je 20Pa Sam dimnjak treba da je napravljen od kerami kih cevi oko njih treba da je izolacija debljine 3 5cm i zadnji spoljni sloj je...

Page 16: ...e nog preseka ili ako se ne isti mogu e su komplikacije u radu kotla Pre svega nije mogu visokotemperaturni rezim rada tj nema maksimalne radne snage a posledice toga je pojava kondezacije to uti e na...

Page 17: ...ljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 4 Presek kotla COMPACT20 sa opisom elemenata Slika 10 Presek sa opiso...

Page 18: ...la 2 Donja vrata za i enje olje za sagorevanje i donjeg dela izmenjiva a kotla 3 Gornja vrata za i enje gornjeg dela cevnog izmenjiva a kotla 4 olja za sagorevanje 5 Elektro greja 6 Cev za dovod sve e...

Page 19: ...36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 5 ema vezivanja automatike Slika 11 ema povezivanja automati...

Page 20: ...i na zadnjem delu kotla Tropolni konektor je za priklju enje sobnog termostata to je prikazano na nalepnici samog konektora Sedmopolni konektor je za priklju eni mre ni kabal dok je preko drugog tropo...

Page 21: ...21 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 6 Tabela sa tehni kim podacima...

Page 22: ...rs D1 priklju ak za toplu vodu iz kotla D2 priklju ak za hladnu vodu iz kotla D3 priklju ak za punjenje i pra njenje D4 priklju ak za sigurnosnu grupu D5 priklju ak ventil termickog osiguranja otican...

Page 23: ...minimalnoj toplotnoj snazi 90 24 92 13 Nominalna snaga kW 22 Minimalna Maksimalna snaga kotla kW 6 60 22 Emisija ugljen monoksida Co pri minimalnoj toplotnoj snazi 10 O2 mg m3 104 Emisija ugljen monok...

Page 24: ...7 Hidrauli ka ema Slika 12 Hidrauli ka ema Opis slika 12 1 Kotao COMPACT20 1 2 Priklju ak za povratnu hladnu vodu 3 Priklju ak za potisnu toplu vodu 4 Ventil termi kog osiguranja 5 Sonda ventila termi...

Page 25: ...a fabri kim pode avanjima prilago en hidro instalaciji kao na slici 12 1 Slika 12 1 O igledno je da postoji samo jedno merno mesto S1 a ta sonda je ve fabri ki postavljena Druga sonda koja je povezana...

Page 26: ...jator radijator rs Slika 12 2 Ukoliko elimo da automatika vodi proces zagrevanja sanitarne vode i to preko odgovaraju e pumpe onda hidrauli ka ema treba da je kao na slici 12 3 Da bi automatika pravil...

Page 27: ...jenja dok kopiju izve taja o pu tanju kotla u rad zadr ava Garancija i upustvo za upotrebu se daje kupcu Jedan primerak garancije se alje proizvo a u Ako garancija nije ispunjena ona nije va e a Samo...

Page 28: ...Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 8 1 Displej automatike Slika 13 Slika i ematski prikaz displeja au...

Page 29: ...Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Tasteri Diode Samo za vodovodne instalacije sa senzorom za merenje protoka NAPOMENA Diode L4 L5 L6 L7 L...

Page 30: ...jator rs 8 2 Kratko uputstvo za korisnika automatike Slika 14 Prikaz LCD ekrana na displeju O itavanje trenutnog stanja kamina Postupak Pritisnuti taster P6 nakon toga na ekranu se pojavljuju informac...

Page 31: ...lista slika 16 Slika 16 Prikaz i obja njenje MENI automatike Promeniti pode enu snagu kamina Postupak Pritisnuti taster P3 nakon toga na ekranu se pojavljuje padaju a lista gde je i odmah markirana p...

Page 32: ...na ekranu se pojavljuje padaju a lista gde je i odmah markirana prva opcija Chombustion Power Tasterima P4 ili P6 dolazite do opcije Boiler Thermostat Ponovo potvrditi tasterom P3 zatim tasterima P4 i...

Page 33: ...rogram Modality opcija slu i za odabir na ina programiranja dakle da li ete programiranje koristiti na dnevnom nivou svaki dan posebno Daily npr Ponedeljak Utorak Sreda Nedelja na nedeljnom nivou Week...

Page 34: ...sterom P3 Slika 18 Prikaz displeja nakon odabira opcije MODALITY Kada ste izabrali na in programiranja automatski se vra ate na prikaz displeja Modality i Program Tasterima P4 ili P6 prelazite na opci...

Page 35: ...leve strane u odnosu na displej KORAK 4 Pokrenuti dozirni sistem kako bi prva zrna peleta upala u olju za sagorevanje Ovaj postupak mo e se primeniti samo dok je automatika u OFF re imu slika 14 stanj...

Page 36: ...na displeju pi e Ignition slika 14 stanje sistema Kotao je krenuo u rad U uslovima kada je pelet prema standardima i kada su ispunjeni svi ostali uslovi dimnjaka i protoka vazduha proces sagorevanje...

Page 37: ...orije koja je glavni parametar za rad kotla i temperaturu vode u kotlu 70 C Kada je aktiviran rad sobnog termostata kotao najpre ima zahtev za postizanjem temperature sobe stim da je ograni en zadatom...

Page 38: ...re ka Visok pritisak vode Er11 Gre ka pravog vremena na satu Er12 Gre ka Ga enjene nije uspelo zbog potpale Er15 Gre ka Nedostatak napona Er17 Gre ka na regulatoru protoka vazduha Er18 Gre ka Nedostat...

Page 39: ...230V tako da je i snaga greja a manja Postupak za re avanje PROBLEMA 3 Podizanje vremena predgrevanja greja a za potpalu t02 na vrednost 300 400 sekundi Ako ova mera ne daje rezultate onda priklju iti...

Page 40: ...aista manja od zadate Tako e proveriti vremensko programiranje sobnog termostata i na kraju proveriti ispravnost sobnog termostata Grupa II Naj e a signalizacija na displeju vezana za ovu vrstu gre ak...

Page 41: ...a dolazi do zastoja i signalizacije na displeju Modulation a zatim i sigurnosnog ga enja Extingishing Na kraju displej signalizira gre ku Er05 Postupak za re avanje PROBLEMA 3 Do ovoga dolazi jer su d...

Page 42: ...o je o istiti naslage na zidovima samog lo i ta Ovim dobijamo bolji stepen prenosa jer jedan milimetar naslaga katrana i a i smanjuje provodnost za 5 Jednom u dve nedelje potrebno je otvoriti i gornji...

Page 43: ...no konzervirati kotao na kraju grejne sezone U toj situaciji zatvoriti i sve otvore na kotlu da ne dodje do cirkulacije vazduha kroz kotao jer i tako mo e do i do pojave vlage u kotlu Odr avanje kotla...

Page 44: ...njering Serijski broj kotla primer N 160515031 Godina proizvodnje primer 2015 Tip kotla COMPACT20 Nazivna toplotna snaga kotla 22kW Podru ije upotrebe toplotne snage 6 60 22 kW Potrebna promaja dimnja...

Page 45: ...45 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 8 7 Izjave...

Page 46: ...8 8 Nalepnica Na kotlu COMPACT20 1 nalaze se nalepnice za ozna avanje priklju aka kao i nalepnice za opasnost od strujnog udara nalepnice za emu povezivanja i dr Nalepnice koje ozna avaju priklju ke...

Page 47: ...1 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Nalepnice koje ozna avaju prisistvo struje visokog napona i opasnosti 1 Nalepnica Ulaz za sni enim naponom 12V 60mm...

Page 48: ...www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 3 Nalepnica Uzemljenje 20mm x 30mm 4 Nalepnica Prisustvo napona Nalepnice koje ozna avaju upozorenje 1 Nalepnica Izlo eni pokretni delovi mogu izazvati p...

Page 49: ...49 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 3 Nalepnica Pa nja 4 Nalepnica Otpad...

Page 50: ...50 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Nalepnice sa tehni kim podacima...

Page 51: ...aljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 8 9 Proizvo a RADIJATOR D O O ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 36000 Kral...

Page 52: ...e pridr ava navedenih uputstava o kori enju i odr avanju videti ta ku 8 2 Garancijska izjava Izjavljujemo da proizvod ima propisana i deklarisana kvalitetna svojstva Obavezujemo se da emo na zahtev ku...

Page 53: ...od kvarova koje je na inio kupac zbog nestru nog rukovanja proizvodom kod mehani kih kvarova na injenih prilikom transporta i prilikom kori enja vrsti predmeti ako je proizvod instaliran nestru no sup...

Page 54: ...pu tanja u rad Servis i produ enje servisa mo e da obavlja lice koje alje centralni servis Radijator in enjering a Na nezamenjene delove posle odra enog servisa garancija ne va i Demonta a pelet tran...

Page 55: ...0 1 3 3 Boiler room 3 4 Instalation of boiler COMPACT20 1 onto chimney 4 Cross section of boiler COMACT20 1 discription of boiler heatinh stove elements 5 Schematic connection of automation 6 Table of...

Page 56: ...orbidden to use boiler installations operating at temperatures higher then 110 C and pressure greater than 3 bar It is not allowed to use easily inflammable fuels alcohol oil It is forbidden to store...

Page 57: ...with heating and Emission effluents The minimum distance of the boiler and flue pipe gas from the low and averagely combustible materials should be at least 100mm Minimum distance from flammable mater...

Page 58: ...n space insufficient power etc COMPACT20 1 is installed in the boiler room but it has an advantage in the situations where more compacted dimensions are needed Total width is 870 mm and by easy disass...

Page 59: ...mpact unit is adjusted to manipulation in small spaces It is very important that if necessary the boiler unit can be disassembled on the site into separate assemblies of the boiler heat exchanger silo...

Page 60: ...ay endanger human life electrocution Solid fuel boiler and forced draft should be installed according to valid standards and legal regulations Any mechanical or electrical change in the design or inst...

Page 61: ...vent and gauge vent The valve of thermal safety by swelling Thermostats in the automation of the boiler COMPACT20 1 Pressure safety valve figure 2 air vent figure 3 and gauge vent figure 4 Figure 2 P...

Page 62: ...two such valves One is on the highest point of the boiler and the other at the highest point of the collector at the point of branching pipe hot water and expansion vessel The valve of thermal safety...

Page 63: ...to check up in certain periods of time the functioning of the VTO As stated above one end of the VTO is for the mounting on the exchanger of the boiler and the other is supplied with cold water under...

Page 64: ...ioning of the boiler both thermostats have the independent probes for measuring of water temperature The first thermostat is the so called working thermostat work and it serves to limit the temperatur...

Page 65: ...s needed for the connection of valves for thermal safety by over flow If the valve is not to be installed then the space can be smaller The flap handle for firing is removable and can be placed either...

Page 66: ...e i e the lack of maximum power which leads to condensation in the boiler Take into account the required minimum space required for access and security elements to carry out cleaning operations Determ...

Page 67: ...ce to another fuel such as fuel oil for example The cross section of the chimney should be 140 mm Figure 9 Contrarily it may cause a malfunction especially in the phase of ignition mode and operation...

Page 68: ...probe Before commissioning check whether after transport the probe is still at its proper place because without a properly installed transducer there is no boiler operation Needed chimney draft is 20P...

Page 69: ...duce the flow of exhaust gases The chimney should be cleaned regularly or at least once a year If the chimney is not of proper height cross section or if it is not enough clean as possible then the co...

Page 70: ...bija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 4 Cross section of COMPACT20 1 boiler with a description of the boiler elements Figure 10 Cross section o...

Page 71: ...2 Lower door for cleaning cup of combustion chamber and lower section of body of boiler 3 Upper door for cleaning upper section pipe exchanger of body of boiler 4 Cup of combustion chamber 5 Ignition...

Page 72: ...ljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 5 Schematic connection of automation Figure 11 Schematic connection o...

Page 73: ...onnections of the additional devices are performed by the technician through connectors located at the rear of the boiler One three pole connector serves for the connection of the room thermostat as s...

Page 74: ...74 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 6 Table of technical data...

Page 75: ...0 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs D1 connection for hot water from boiler D2 connection for cold waterfrom boiler D3 connection for filling and emptying boiler D4 connection for sa...

Page 76: ...ficiency degree at nominal minimal thermal power 90 24 92 13 Nominal Power kW 22 Minimum Maximum Power of Boiler kW 6 60 22 Carbon monoxide CO at a nominal heat power 10 O2 mg m3 104 Carbon monoxide C...

Page 77: ...ydraulic scheme Figure 12 Hydraulic scheme Discription figure 12 1 Boiler COMPACT20 1 2 Connection for cold water boiler 3 Connection for hot water boiler 4 Valve of thermal safety by swelling 5 Probe...

Page 78: ...re 12 1 It is obvious that there is only one measuring point S1 and that probe is already positioned The second probe that is connected onto the connector on the back of the boiler in this case remain...

Page 79: ...2 If we want the automation to keep the process of heating the sanitary water through the appropriate pump then the hydraulic scheme should be as in figure 12 3 In order the automation system should...

Page 80: ...e boiler in operation is retained Guarantee and instruction manual are given to the customer One copy of Guarantee is sent to the manufacturer If the guarantee is not filled in it is not valid Only bo...

Page 81: ...00 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 8 1 Control panel Figure 13 Figure and diagram of Automation di...

Page 82: ...ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Buttons Led NOTE Diodes L4 L5 L6 L7 L10 and L12 are not in operation in bo...

Page 83: ...rs 8 2 Short manual for automatic control Figure 14 View of LCD screen on display Reading of the current situation Procedure Press the key P6 after that on the display the Information are shown Figur...

Page 84: ...t Figure 16 Figure 16 View and explanation of the MENU of automation system Change the adjusted power of boiler COMPACT20 1 Procedure Press the key P3 after that the falling list is shown on the scree...

Page 85: ...e falling list is shown on the display where the first option is automatically marked Combustion Power With Keys P4 or P6 you come to the option Boiler Thermostat Confirm again with key P3 appears to...

Page 86: ...option serves to select the manner of programming so whether you will use the programming on a daily basis every day separately Daily Example Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday on a weekly basis Weekly...

Page 87: ...ter the selection of the option MODALITY When you have chosen the manner of programming automatically you return to the view on display Modality and Program With keys P4 or P6 you pass to the option P...

Page 88: ...on the front side in the left side in relation to the display STEP 4 Initiate feeding system as the first grains of the pellet might fall into the combustion cup space This procedure can be applied o...

Page 89: ...In the conditions when the pellet is according to the standards and when all other requirements are met for chimney and air flow the combustion process begins in 5 to 10 min During the first firing so...

Page 90: ...he boiler COMPACT20 1 and water temperature in boiler 70 C When the room thermostat is activated the boiler has the first need to reach the room temperature under the condition that it is limited by a...

Page 91: ...been in operation process the display is there is a notification on the display Run Mode but after reaching the set temperature and rest mode it loses the continuity of combustion Group I The most com...

Page 92: ...his measure does not work then connect the AC Voltage adapter Possible cause 4 Problem 4 The amount of pellets in the combustion chamber is insufficient to put the boiler into operation The process of...

Page 93: ...m is really lower than the set temperature Also check time programming for the room thermostat and finally check the correct functioning of the room thermostat Group II The most common indication on t...

Page 94: ...ks but in the course of work there comes to a stoppage and a sign is displayed Modulation and then to the Safety shutdown Extinguishing At the end the display indicates the error Er05 The process of r...

Page 95: ...he firebox By this we provide a better transfer as one millimeter layer of tar and soot decreases the conductivity by 5 Once in every two weeks it is necessary to open the top cover for cleaning remov...

Page 96: ...ason In this situation close all openings of the boiler to prevent the circulation of air through the boiler as the moisture can occur in the boiler as well Maintenance of the boiler is one of the mos...

Page 97: ...in enjering Serial number of boiler example N 160515037 Year of product example 2015 Type of boiler COMPACT20 Nominal power of boiler 22kW Heat output range 6 61 22kW Necessary chimey draft 20Pa Elec...

Page 98: ...98 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 8 7 Declaration...

Page 99: ...or rs 8 8 Sticker On boiler COMPACT20 1 there are stickers identifying the connections as well as labels against the risk of electric shock stickers for scheme of connections etc Labels that indicate...

Page 100: ...381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Labels that indicate the presence of electricity high voltage and danger 1 Sticker Input with low voltage 12V 60m...

Page 101: ...jator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 3 Sticker Safety electrical connection 20mm x 30mm 4 Sticker Presence of voltage Labels that indicate warning 1 Sticker Exposed Exposed moving parts can couse se...

Page 102: ...102 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 3 Sticker Warning 4 Sticker Waste...

Page 103: ...103 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Labels with technical data...

Page 104: ...ljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 8 9 Manufactured RADIJATOR D O O ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 36000 Kr...

Page 105: ...mostat the characteristics of the power supply which must be within certain limits 1 5 The user must follow the following instructions on how to use and maintain the boiler see item 8 2 Warranty state...

Page 106: ...e with the instructions when failures are made by the purchaser due to improper handling of the product with mechanical failures made during transport and during use solid objects if the product is in...

Page 107: ...al Service of the Co Radiator engineering For not changed parts after the servicing work the service guarantee is not valid dismantling of pellet conveyor from the boiler checking conveyor and checkin...
