ComboXCAT-IP User Guide
Rackit Technology Corporation – – 1-800-636-3434
The figure below depicts the cable connections.
Figure 2-3 Cable Connections
After applying power to the unit, it takes about 60 seconds to complete the automatic
startup processes, and then enter normal running state.
2.4 When
Servers are Up and Running
ComboXCAT-IP gives you a full control over the remote servers. The Management
Console allows you to access the remote servers' graphics, keyboard and mouse and
to send special commands to the servers. You can also perform periodic
maintenance of the servers. Using the Console Redirection Service, you are able to
do the following:
I. Reboot the systems.
II. Watch the boot process.
III. Boot the systems from a separate partition to load the diagnostic environment.
IV. Run special diagnostic programs.