the vehicle is always within a 60 m radius of at least 6 beacons.
For greater accuracy, it is recommended that the beacons are placed between 3 – 5 m above ground (i.e. above the roof
of the test vehicle) and that each beacon varies in height by at least 300 mm to the nearest beacons, alternating in a
high-low pattern.
When mounting the VIPS beacons, there are a couple of considerations that need to be made. It is important when
mounting the beacons that they are not mounted within at least 200 mm (or greater if possible) of an object, other than
the surface the beacon is mounted to, that could cause reflections (e.g. a wall or metal structure) and that the beacons
are mounted in the correct orientation in relation to the expected orientation of the Rover when in use.
The beacons require a
9 – 36 V power source
that is connected to the
. The
on the beacon is for Firmware upgrades and should be covered with the supplied splashproof plug to ensure
The VIPS beacons have 4 magnets on the base allowing for easy installation onto any ferrous surface, however
Racelogic can supply metallic plates that can attach to a tripod for quick installations.
Suitable Beacon Orientations
Side by side
Side by side with small height
Side by side with large height
difference, tops towards each