RaceAmerica 5843 Wireless Speed Trap
When the speed trap is set up and aligned
with either a Large Display or PC to capture data,
it is time to make a pass. The vehicle can pass
through the speed trap in either direction. As the
vehicle breaks the first beam, a ‘_’ dash appears
in the first position indicating a sensor trip. The
system allows four seconds (4 sec) to complete the
pass before resetting; if both beams have not been
broken, the dash will disappear after four seconds
and reset the trap. Upon completion of the pass,
the speed will show on the display (_XXX.XX)
and/or the PC.
After each pass, the trap is locked out for
nine seconds to allow dirt and dust to settle. The
dash turns OFF when the trap is reset for the next
pass. New data will update the display with each
successful pass.
T-Link3 identifier codes are preset at the
factory. Using an external Reconfig Jumper
provided with the backup T-Link3 unit, a T-Link3’s
ID code can be changed enabling a single backup
unit to replace any unit with the same optimizer
code. With the 5843 T-Link3, a spare ID ‘D’
unit can be reconfigured as a ID ‘C’ unit. To
temporarily change the ID code of a T-Link3 unit,
power the unit off. Select the Reconfig Jumper
with the desired ID code and install into the T-Port
of the T-Link3 unit to be reconfigured. Power on
the T-Link3 unit. The left LED will flash three
short times to confirm the T-Link3 unit has been
reconfigured to the new ID code. Unplug the
Reconfig Jumper and connect any cables to the
T-Link3 unit for normal use. Do not power off
the T-Link3 unit after a new ID code has been
assigned. The change of ID is temporary. When
the T-Link3 unit is powered off, the ID code will
revert back to the preset ID shown on the bottom
of the T-Link3 unit.