RaceAmerica 5843 Wireless Speed Trap
Each Speed Trap T-Link3 unit is configured
with a unique ID code and a wireless optimizer
code. These codes are listed on the identity label
located on the bottom of the T-Link2 unit. Valid
T-Link3 ID codes are ‘C’ , ‘D’, ‘E’ & ‘F’ for Trap
sensors. The wireless optimizer code is also listed
on the identity label. The optimizer code identifies
wireless communications optimization and
compatibility with other T-Link3 and 4520BUSPD
Install the antennas on all T-Link3 units. If the
antenna is to be bent down for transport, loosen
the antenna slightly and rotate the upper portion of
the antenna into position. Hold the upper portion
of the antenna while tightening the knurled area
on the bottom portion of the antenna.
Position the T-Link3 at the speed trap with
the cable extended between the Speed and Finish
sensors as shown in the diagram. Plug the
Speed Trap into the T-Port connector on the 5843
T-Link3 unit.
NOTE: It is very important to set-up the speed
trap electronics at exactly the designated spacing
and in a perfect rectangle to make sure optimal
accuracy will be attained. Positioning the infra
red beams about six inches off the ground will
minimize false trips.
Power on the T-Link3 and observe the LED
illuminates alternating between red and green,
then illuminates red if the battery charge level
is below 30% of full charge or green if charge is
above 30% of full charge. If the battery charge
is at minimum charge, the T-Link3 will power off
even if the power switch is ON. If the SPEED
sensor is not aligned with the beam emitter, the
LED will be solid on GREEN; if the FINISH
sensor is not aligned, the LED will be solid on
RED. When both sensors are aligned, the LED
will flash green when receiving a polling request
from a Speed Trap Display or 4520USPD unit
connected to a PC. The LED will flash red when
replying to a polling request If the LED is ON
solid, the track sensor is out of alignment. Utilize
the alignment functions included with the large
display to monitor alignment.
Figure 1 - T-Link3 power and external connections
Blink RED/GREEN - Power ON
RF Receive Status
Blink GREEN - Receive
Blink RED - Transmit
Align Status
Solid RED - Not aligned
ID Code
e.g. ‘C’
Optimizer Code
e.g. C305