User Manual 1260-14C
Module Specific Syntax 3-15
after a synchronous test is disarmed manually via the SETUP
ARM OFF command.
Example 1:
Assume that ports 0 and 1 are defined as synchronous and the
user sends the following commands:
SETUP 1.RD 0,Y,H,10
SETUP 1.RD 1,22
During the next synchronous test, port 0 would read
10 vectors worth of byte-wide information and store
it in hexadecimal format. Port 1 would read 22
vectors of byte-wide information and store it in
decimal format.
Read operations may be performed as either bit, byte or word
width operations, with byte width being the default. Data will be
formatted either in decimal, hexadecimal or binary, with the default
being decimal. The width and format of the output are specified as
Example 2:
Assume that ports 0-3 are synchronous ports, ports 2 and 3 were
previously defined as synchronous word-wide read ports and the
user sends the following commands:
SETUP 1.RD 0,W,5
SETUP 1.RD 2,Y,7
The first command would cause the module to
perform a word-wide read of five vectors worth of
data from ports 0 and 1 during the next
synchronous test. The second command would
cause a byte-wide read of 7 vectors worth of data
from port 2 during the next synchronous test, and
would disable port 3 from participating in
subsequent tests until redefined.
An "X" specifies a bit-wide read of the port. Any combination of
the 8 bits from X0-X7 may be specified, but only the selected bits
are stored when the user runs the synchronous test. The buffer
will contain the status of the bits requested at each vector in the
same order as specified in the command. If the port was
previously read using a word width, the data associated with the
companion port will be cleared, and the port will be disabled in
future synchronous operations until redefined.
Example 3:
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