User Manual 1260-14C
Module Specific Syntax 3-2
The synchronous mode of operation allows data to be read from or
written to a port in response to a clock edge. Typically, this is
done by:
1. Defining the test parameters and data via the
various SETUP commands.
2. Arming the test via the SETUP <address>.ARM ON
3. Applying a series of TTL clock inputs to the
CLKIN line until the last operation on all ports
has been completed, causing the test to
automatically disarm. It is also possible to
manually disarm the test before it has
completed all of the test vectors. This is done
via the SETUP <address>.ARM OFF
4. Reading back the results using the PDATAOUT
The following restrictions apply to all synchronous operations:
Synchronous ports are always grouped together and
are always the lowest numbered ports; i.e., the first
synchronous port is always port 0; the second is
always port 1, etc.
All ports not specified as synchronous are
asynchronous by default.
A port may read or write during synchronous
operations, but not both.
Once a synchronous test is set up, it must be armed
before the unit enables the handshake lines.
Synchronous operations cannot be set up once the
1260-14C is armed.
There is a maximum of 256 synchronous operations
(referred to as vectors) per port.
All synchronous ports are clocked simultaneously; i.e.,
if five synchronous ports are defined, the first active
edge of the clock causes the appropriate action to
occur on all five ports.
Synchronous ports support the asynchronous WRITE
command, but not the asynchronous READ command.
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