Revision: 1.2
1 (minimum)
Minimal reliability measures, allowing for higher
throughput performance and low latency.
8 (maximum)
Maximum reliability measures, often resulting in lower
throughput performance and higher latency.
Optimize For: optimize the network for one of three parameters: Reliability (C),
Packet Length (F) or Latency (G). The selected parameter will be given best
possible value automatically pending on the other parameters input value. The
”Exact Config” option disables this function.
Base Data Rate: is the shared data rate for all devices that is achievable on the
current setting
— A Base Data Rate value can be entered as a parameter which is helpful in cases when
the required network throughput is more important than other factors like Packet Length.
Packet Length: the maximum expected packet length, which includes all protocol
headers. An example of a packet with a UDP payload:
ER Frag
IP Header
UDP Header
Usable payload
— Prioritized Packets (F) that exceed the configured Packet Length will be discarded. Non
prioritized packets can exceed the configured Packet Length but will be fragmented instead.
Latency: the time limit a transmitted packet must be received not to be dropped
Targeted Token Rotation Time: the timespan for a station that has transmitted a
packet to be allowed to transmit once more
— If the application traffic has a cycle time of 16 ms (whereas packets received later
than this may result in an application shutdown), the system should ideally be configured with
a Targeted Token Rotation Time of just below 8 ms, allowing for jitter leeway.
— If the application’s data rate exceeds the maximum throughput limited by the other set
configuration parameters, the system overloads and the packets risk being dropped, leading
to packet losses. If application has combined traffic of both critical and besteffort, the setting
Prioritized Traffic filter (step
) allow a type of traffic to prioritized and the other transmitted
secondly (bearing eventual packet losses).
8. Click ”Deploy Configuration” to input the configuration into the devices.
9. Power cycle the devices and disconnect from the switch.
10. Connect each device to their respective, MACaddress configured, device(s).
5. Webbased Configuration Interface
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