No output - Power light is lit - Warning light is lit
Welding application may have exceeded recommended duty cycle, allow machine to cool down
until the warning light goes out.
No output
Power light is lit
Air at torch tip
No Pilot Arc
Check condition of torch consumables and replace if worn
Check pilot arc protecting fuse on front panel of machine and replace if blow –
If fuse keeps
blowing contact R-Tech for repair / replacement torch
Please ensure machine is switched off before checking fuses
Check for water in water trap at rear of machine, if water is present, drain air compressor, clean water
out of air lines, empty water trap by pressing water release button on bottom of air regulator water
trap. Fit new consumables as per instructions earlier in this manual
HF PCB Failure
Contact R-Tech for repair
Machine keeps overheating - Warning light is lit on machine
Check if fan is running if not contact R-Tech for repair
Check the cooling vents for obstruction; blow out machine with clean dry low pressure air supply.
Check for adequate ventilation around machine
Erratic cutting - Torch spitting when cutting
Check torch consumables and replace if necessary as per instructions earlier in this manual
Check if correct amperage for thickness of metal, if to slow travel speed or to much cutting power,
increase speed of cut or reduce cutting amperage. (When machine senses no metal left to cut it will
switch of main cutting power and switch on HF pilot arc, this is the HF pilot arc restart)
Water contamination in torch head, check for water in water trap at rear of machine, if water is
present, drain air compressor, clean water out of air lines, empty water trap by pressing water release
button on bottom of air regulator water trap. Fit new torch consumables as per instructions earlier in
this manual