Fixed Frequency Operation
The R-4A can be locked to a specific frequency by plugging the
appropriate crystal in the crystal lock socket, located on the left
side of the chassis, and positioning the XTAL/VFO switch to the
XTAL position.
When the switch is so positioned, the R-4A VFO and crystal oscillator
system will no longer control the frequency.
Crystals for this application should be of the parallel resonant
fundamental variety with HC-6/U holders. The frequency of the
crystal to be used in this socket should be equal to the desired
operating fre5645 KC or to l/2 of this value if it exceeds 15mc.
Desired operating freq. 5645 KC = 12.800KC (crystal frequency)
Desired operating freq. 21,145KC + 5645KC = 26,790KC / 2 = 13,395KC
(crystal frequency)
A trimmer capacitor is provided directly below the crystal socket for
” pulling” the crystal slightly in order to get exactly on the desired
The PRESELECTOR and BAND switch should be positioned as described
under “Accessory Frequency Coverage” for the desired frequency. If a
T4X is being used, placing the T4X TRANSCEIVE switch on SEP.CONT.
will result in the T4X being VFO controlled while the R-4A is xtal locked.
Placing this switch in the RCVR position will lock the T4X on the R-4A
lock frequency.
If the switch is placed on XMIT, the T4X controls both receive and
transmit frequencies. The lock crystal in the R-4A will then have no
Crystals for fixed frequency R-4A operation may be ordered direct from
the R. L. Drake Company.
ordering, be sure to specify that the
crystal you are ordering is for fixed frequency operation with the R-4A.