Figure #9
Number Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Vl 12BZ6
- 1 . 1 1.66 0 12.6*
140 129 0
v2 6HS6
0 0 6.3* 12.6*
140 80 2.8
v3 12BE6
- 1 1 . 5 2 . 7 12.6*
0 140 132 0
v4 12BA6
- 1 . 1 0 0 12.6*
136 93 2
v5 12BA6
- 1 . 2 0 12.6*
0 110 80 0
v7 6EH5
2 . 9 0 12.6* 6.3*
0 91 140
V8 6HS6 -.8
0 0 6.3*
145 120 2.2
v9 12BA6
- 1 . 2 9 0 12.6*
0 128 110 0
Vl0 12AX7A
70 -* 5 0 0 12.6*
148 0 2.7 N . C .
Vll OB2
110 N.C. N.C. N.C.
v12 12BA6
- 4 4 0 0 12.6*
44 45
1. *
Indicates AC voltage.
2. Function switch is in NB position except for V12 measurements where CAL position
is used.
R.F. and A.F. gain controls are fully clockwise. Side controls are set
for normal operation.
SSB/CW-AM switch is in Slow-AVC position.
4. Band switch is on 3.5 and Preselector is peaked on 80 meter noise with ant.
disconnected. Xtal switch is on NORM.
5. The position of other controls is unimportant. However, the shorted mute
plug must be inserted in the MUTE jack.