7.5 Programming Network Features
7.5.1 Activating the Network
The network is activated by programming the REGISTER# in PARAMETER 53 and the
NETWORK PORT in PARAMETER 89. There are two types of network possible:
When you want to connect only 2 registers in a network you can also use a RS-232
network using the standard RS-232 ports in your register. The NETWORK PORT for RS-
232 can be any port except PORT# 6 which is fixed for the RS-485 network. The
maximum BAUDRATE for PORT# 1 & 2 is 57600 (PARAMETER 2 or 3, value 6) and the
maximum BAUDRATE for PORT# 3, 4 or 5 is 78125 (PARAMETER 4 or 5 or 6, value 7). It
is advised to use the highest possible baud rate.
When you want to connect more then 2 registers in a network you MUST use a RS-485
network which means you also need an RS-485 card installed in your register. The
NETWORK PORT for RS-485 is fixed to PORT# 6 and the maximum BAUDRATE is
78125 (PARAMETER 7, value 7). Other possible baud rates are 52083 (value 6), 38400
(value 5), 19200 (value 4). It is advised to use the highest possible baud rate.
7.5.2 Network Size
The Network Size is programmed in PARAMETER 55 and is only required for Floating
Balances and Consolidated report. Note that the register number must be sequential when
you are using the network for floating balances and reporting. When you are only using the
network for sharing printers and computer connection the network size is not required. The
theoretical maximum is set to 24 registers.
7.5.3 Floating Balances
When you want to use the network for floating balances you must SET OPTION 92 and
program the NETWORK SIZE so the register knows to which registers it should sent the
balance information. The registers keep track of which balance is open on which register
and will give ERROR# 44 (BALANCE STILL OPEN) when you try to print or pay a balance
which is still open.
7.5.4 Floating Articles
It is possible to do PLU maintenance and have it sent automatically to all registers in the
network. When you want to use the network for floating articles you must SET OPTION 93
and program the NETWORK SIZE so the register knows to which registers it should sent
the article information. PLU maintenance means changing PLU information or
creating/deleting PLU when using scan codes.