7.4 Scanning
When scanning codes are activated in the configuration of the application it is possible to
create and/or delete items on the cash-register either in Program Mode or during
transaction when an item is not found. Furthermore there are some special maintenance
procedures which are can be activated in Manager or programming mode.
It is possible to connect two scanners to the register. You can activate them by
programming parameter 56 & 57 also check option# 78 for check digit verification when
CREATING ITEMS in Transaction Mode
When Option#79 is set the register will prompt for creation of an article when not
found. If you want to create it you must confirm by pressing the SUBTOTAL key or
abort by pressing CLEAR (Note that you can press the CLEAR key at any stage to
abort!!). The register will now prompt for:
1 - The PRICE which you must enter on the SUBTOTAL key
2 - The Department which you must enter on the SUBTOTAL key
3 - The Descriptor when Option# 80 is set which you must enter on the
4 – Now the article is registered.
Note: From Release XX030605 on it is also possible to enter the PRICE directly on a fixed
DEPARTMENT key instead of entering the price and department on the subtotal key.
CREATING ITEMS in Program Mode
When you are in Program Mode# 20 (PLU programming) you can scan the code or
enter the code on the X key. When not found the register will ask you for creation which
must be confirmed by pressing the CR (User Report) key.
DELETING ITEMS in Program Mode
When you are in Program Mode# 20 (PLU programming) can also delete codes.
When you enter ZERO on the X key the register will ask you if you want to delete the
current code which must be confirmed by pressing the CR (User Report) key. Note that the
records are only marked for deletion so they will only free up their space after PLU FILE
When using scan codes the register uses internally an INDEX file which is sorted so
the register can find a code very fast. Because the PLU file can grow very large (max
50000) when using scan codes the register will store the newly created articles in a
separate UPDATE file which is located at the end of the PLU file. The maximum size of the
UPDATE file is HALF of the FREE SPACE in the PLU file. When for example the free
space is 100 you can create 50 new items before the register will give the message to re-
index the file. After re-indexing the file the remaining free space is 50 so you can again
create 25 new articles. You can continue until the free space is only 1 record.
Note that is important that the UPDATE file doesn’t grow to large (over 1000
articles) because this will have effect on the speed of creating new articles.