QM1004-8-12-100 Combined RF Upconverter/Downconverter
User Manual
5.6 SYSTem:READstate? [0-5]
This query allows the user to read the parameters of the stored states without changing any internal reg-
isters. The query output is a list of parameters for the selected state. If no state parameter is given, the
returned state is state 0. The list of state parameters contains comma separated values, without spaces,
in the following order:
RF Power State, Upconverter LNA Power State, Reference Frequency, External
Reference Enable, External Reference Switch Override, Tune Frequency, External LO1 Enable, External
LO1 Switch Override, LO1 PLL Mode, LO1 Reference Divider, External LO2 Enable, External LO2 Switch
Override, Upconverter RF Attenuation, Downconverter RF Attenuation
. See the respective command
definitions for descriptions of each parameter.
This query requests the parameter values of state 0.
: 0,0,100,0,0,10.0000,0,0,1,1,0,0,0.0,0.0
0 = POWEr:RF is set to 0 or OFF. (page 41)
0 = POWEr:LNA is set to 0 or OFF. (page 40)
100 = FREQuency:REFerence:FREQuency is set to 100 MHz. (page 34)
0 = FREQuency:REFerence:EXTernal is set to 0 or Internal. (page 33)
0 = External Reference Switch Override is 0 (switch-controlled).
10.0000 = FREQuency:TUNE is set to 10 GHz. (page 36)
0 = FREQuency:LO1:EXTernal is set to 0 or Internal. (page 26)
0 = External LO1 Switch Override is 0 (switch-controlled).
1 = FREQuency:LO1:PLLMode is set to 1 or Integer. (page 28)
1 = FREQuency:LO1:DIVider is set to 1. (page 25)
0 = FREQuency:LO2:EXTernal is set to 0 or Internal. (page 30)
0 = External LO2 Switch Override is 0 (switch-controlled).
0.0 = POWEr:CH1:ATTENuation is set to 0 dB. (page 38)
0.0 = POWEr:CH2:ATTENuation is set to 0 dB. (page 39)
Error Message
If the parameter is not in the recognized format, error
-102, "Syntax error"
If the parameter is less than 0 or greater than 5, error
-222, "Data out of range"
Quonset Microwave
Revision 2.0.0