QM1004-8-12-100 Combined RF Upconverter/Downconverter
User Manual
3. PIC Firmware Updates
The QM1004-8-12-100 Control Board uses a Microchip Technology, Inc. PIC18F67J50 processor. The
PIC Firmware update process is performed using a Custom Computer Services, Inc. (CCS) ICD-U64
Debugger/Programmer, but can be done using any In-Circuit Serial Programmer (ICSP) with an RJ-12
connection that supports the Microchip PIC18F67J50 device. The ICD-U64 from CCS includes the CC-
SLOAD free programmer control software, which is used to load the update.
Figure 2.1:
CCSLOAD: PIC Programming
After opening CCSLOAD, simply click ’Browse’ and select the QM1004-8-12-110_v1.0.0.hex file and click
’Write to Chip’. When complete, the status in the bottom left will change from ’Connected’ to ’Target Pro-
grammed’. After programming, either close CCSLOAD or click ’Run Target Prgm’ to run the new version.
Quonset Microwave
Revision 2.0.0