Chamber Loading and Oven Performance
When loading the oven place items in the oven in such way that air
circulation within the oven is not impaired. Note the air flow from the
top section view (FIG. 4). Heated air flows from back to front
along the side walls, moves horizontally toward the chamber
center and then back toward the recirculating blower.
Leave a space between articles on a shelf.
For best processing performance for a single item, adjust one
shelf so that the article is centered in the oven.
Avoid placing articles on the oven floor. Instead use a
shelf at the lowest adjustable position.
Do not place articles against the inner side walls or the slotted
vents in rear air plenum. (This will obstruct air flow and degrade
Do not overload the unit with large or high-density loads. (This
will show by non-uniform processing and/or long heat-through or
processing times).
Placing an article against the side walls or rear blower return vent
opening will greatly affect unit performance i.e. chamber uniformi-
ty, run-up & recovery, maximum operating temperature, and energy
use efficiency. Here are some guidelines that are critical to opti-
mum oven performance and better/faster work- load processing.
General Operation (continued)
The temperature setting is maintained in the control whenever the power is turned off. When the oven is turned back on
it will begin heating toward the temperature setting.
The heater switch in the off (down) or fan/cool position allows for convenient ambient air drying of
articles or to more slowly & evenly cool heated articles without having to lower or change the
temperature setting.
The heater switch in the off or cool position also allow the oven to cool before turning the fan off when
using the oven at higher temperature settings. This helps to both cool the motor (prolonging its life)
and remove any moisture-laden air before it condenses in the chamber, which will help prevent
premature corrosion over time.
Control Calibration to Match Independent Device
A controller calibration (offset) should only be performed in the event that the temperature displayed on the digital micropo-
scessor does not match the oven’s interior chamber temperature as measured at the center of the unit with an accurate
independent device.
All of our units are calibrated at the factory using an N.I.S.T cetified digital controller and probe which is placed
at the center of the heating chamber as the calibration point.
To perform a calibration you will need to acess the
parameter on
(see page 6 for more on accesing
controller levels)
Once on the
parameter on
, offset the difference on the controller to match you independent temperature
device. Simply press and hold the button on the controller and change the value using the or arrow key.
Pressing the star key alone verifies the control's temperature display units in degrees F or C (factory set at "°F" for Fahrenheit).
To change the display units to read in Centigrade, see the control's
Menu Level Functions
on page 6.
FIG. 4