Quill Fibre Suppressor
Quill Fibre Suppressor in conjunction with the Quill Auto Dose System can be
automatically dosed through the Quill Falcon Cyclone, thereby enabling
asbestos removal operatives to comply with ALG Abrasive Blasting Removal
Systems appendix 6/17.
102 Flash rust inhibitor
102 Flash Rust Inhibitor and Salt Remover in conjunction with the
Quill Auto Dose System can be automatically dosed through the Quill Falcon
Cyclone allowing operatives to prevent flash rust and remove salts from steel
Quill Highways Containment System
The Quill Highways Containment System is a portable device that has been
designed for customers removing road markings on highways. The system is
designed to capture the removed coatings and spent grit and retain it in a
small area, whilst also protecting road vehicles and passing pedestrians from
the removal process. The lightweight system is simply and easily wheeled
along by the blasting operative as they remove the road markings. The built in
brushes along the bottom of the system ensure that grit is retained within a
small area thereby making clear up quicker and easier.
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