The Q-300 performs the calculations for three dosimeters operating simultaneously in one instrument. A numerical
readout of measurements for any of the three dosimeters may be displayed. The results of individual sound studies may be
stored in internal memory for future reference. Meter operation is controlled from the keypad. Data may be sent to a parallel or
serial printer, or to a computer by using an appropriate interface cable.
The Q-300 may be clipped on a belt or worn in a shirt pocket. The small microphone is simply clipped to the shirt near
the ear. The meters are housed in a tough diecast aluminum case to protect against physical abuse as well as external
electrical interference, such as that from motors or portable radios.
When used with a Personal Computer, the Quest Noise Manager software package allows the user to analyze and print
out pre-recorded data in detail. When used with a printer, the dosimeter can print detailed reports of noise events. It connects
to a printer by using a Quest "Parallel Printer Interface" or "Serial Computer Interface".
1.1 Assembling the Meter
The microphone must be connected to the dosimeter prior to making any measurements. The connector on the top of
the Q-300 is used for both the microphone and the communications interfaces.
To remove the cable connector from the dosimeter, gently grasp and pull the knurled ring of the cable connector.
To attach the cable connector to the dosimeter:
Grasp the black rubber boot of the cable connector.
Gently press the cable connector against the dosimeter connector while slowly rotating it. When it is properly
lined up, it will stop rotating and slide into the dosimeter's connector.
3.) Insert the cable connector until a "click" is heard.
The cable connector is now attached.
Figure 2
. Q-300 Cable Connection.
1.2 Initial Turn On and Check
Before taking measurements with the Q-300, there is a series of quick checks that should be performed. Turn the unit
on by pressing the ON/OFF key. The display will indicate that a brief warmup is taking place. Check for the LOBAT indicator in
the display. If it indicates a low battery condition, replace the battery.
" on " will appear in the display after warmup. Pressing a FUNCTION key (LEVELS, DOSE, AVG or TIMES) will select
a different display. Press the LEVELS key once, followed by the
keys to review the possible measurements. Pressing
LEVELS again will display data for another dosimeter. Do this for each of the other FUNCTION keys. When you have done
this, press LEVELS and
to set the display to read SPL. The meter is now displaying current Sound Pressure Level,
updating the reading every second.
To perform an Acoustic Study, press RUN/PAUSE. Allow the meter to run for a while and press RUN/PAUSE again to
end the study. The FUNCTION keys may now be used to review the results.