Auto Run Options
Auto-On Time and Date. Set time and date that the Q-300
will turn on and go into Rmode (after a 10
second warmup). The AO indicator will be
on while viewing or setting this item. Time is
set in 24 hour format, or military time.
Run Time Duration. Set length of time in hours:minutes
to a maximum of 50 hours and zero minutes
that the Q-300 will run following a RUN
command. The RT indicator will be on while
viewing or setting this item. Setting to 00:00
disables this function.
Auto-On time and date has 3 displays to set:
XX:XX (time)
dY:XX (day)
o :XX (month)
Run Time duration has 1 display to set: XX:XX (time).
To enable, disable or set a value press:
SET indicator on Selects value or OFF If OFF, SET off.
If the value was left in the display, pressing enter will blank the minutes. Hours must now be set. Setting one value and
pressing ENTER stores that value and advances to the next value to be set. To set a value press:
Set desired value Store and go to
next value
After setting the last value, the SET indicator will turn off. To review the settings, repeatedly press ENTER without
pressing the arrow keys to advance through the screens.
Communications Parameters
Baud rate, or data rate for RS-232 communications. Set
to the same rate as the computer or printer being used. Choices are 300 through 19200 baud or PRLL for
parallel printer operation. These are displayed as follows:
300 baud
600 baud
b. 1.2
1200 baud
b. 2.4
2400 baud
b. 4.8
4800 baud
b. 9.6
9600 baud
19200 baud
End of Line character for data transmission. The choices are displayed as follows:
Line Feed
Line Feed + Carriage Return
Carriage Return
Carriage Line Feed
Flow control (handshaking) option for data communications. This is important for error free transmission of
large amounts of data. The flow control used is XON / XOFF , or software control and should be set the same
on the computer or printer being used. The options are displayed as follows:
Software control (XON / XOFF)
No flow control
To set a value press:
SET indicator on Set desired value SET indicator off