Figure 13
. Weighting Characteristics
6.3 Weighting Characteristics
The Q-300 has "A" and "C" weighting characteristics as shown in Figure 13. For most industrial and community noise
measurement requirements, the "A" weighting should be used. The "A" weighting has a response similar to the human ear.
The "C" weighting is used for measuring noise reduction in hearing protectors and other scientific purposes. Peak
measurements are made with the Linear, or Flat frequency weighting.
Figure 14
. SLOW Response
Figure 15
. FAST Response
6.4 Tone Burst Response
Figures 14 and 15 show the meter's tone burst response to sinewave inputs of varied burst duration. The available time
constants are:
(1000 msec time constant)
Decay Rate:
4.35 dB per second.
(125 msec time constant)
Decay Rate:
29 dB per second.