Rev 1. 1 05/08/19
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MP2 User Guide
Defining Alarm Strategies
Selecting an existing alarm name or clicking on the Add new alarm button will bring up the dialog for
modifying or adding a new alarm.
Figure 53 - Defining an alarm strategy
Alarm ID
The ID field is a unique alphanumeric four-character code used to identify the point in the system. This
is used for alarm programming, and SNMP to create a reference ID for the point. The four-character ID
can be whatever the user would like to use to organize the points. For example, you may want to have
IDs per alarm type so later you can sort data based on the ID, Such as GEN1 for generator point 1 alarm,
etc. You may want to use the same numbering scheme when setting up multiple sites because the ID
will also be the SNMP index number for doing sets and gets.
Point Name
The point name will allow up to thirty-two characters to describe the point being monitored. The name
is case sensitive and will be displayed exactly as you typed it.
Category and Data ID
The category field is used in conjunction with the Data ID dropdown to filter the display list. This way
you can limit the size of the dropdown list for specific points. The category list choices are ALL for every
defined point in the system, universal inputs for a list of the defined inputs and Modbus/Device name