To format, erase the card's contents first. When this is completed,
select " Format a New Partition." This process will take several
minutes. Once the format is completed, the Flash Card is ready for
use. The Flash Card can be used in a manner similar to that
of a
floppy disk, i.e. ., files and information can be stored there.
Insert the LAN card into the PCD2-F. Hearing two beeps indicates
the LAN card has been correctly configured. Go into the Cardsoft
directory and type " CARDINFO /V, then press <Enter>. A listing
similar to the one below will appear.
Slot 0:
[Card Information]
Card Type= " Ethernet"
Manufacturer=<Vendor Name>
Product Name=<Vender Product Name>
[Configuration Info]
necessary for running network software
Configuring client handle is A65C
I/O interface, Vcc 50, Vppl 50, Vpp2 50
Config base 0100, Config value:
Option value: 60
Status value: 00
Copy value: 00
First I/O range 300-30F, 8-bit
Second I/O range 310-31F, 16-bit
Assigned IRQ is 5 (enabled)
The LAN card operates like an ISA bus LAN adapter that is
configured with a specified I/O range and IRQ. The above
example is configured with two I/O ranges (300-30F & 310-31F)
and IRQ 5. The I/O range and the IRQ assignment must agree
with the displayed information.
Quatech Inc.