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Recipe Field
This field appears as fixed text within a screen. The field can be used in a two different ways.
As an Increment/Decrement Function:
When the field is created a parameter, Increment/Decrement value, and limit value are specified in addition to the field
text. If the Usage is set to Increase value then moving the focus, via the
key, to this field and pressing the
key will cause the increment value to be added to the data value currently read from the Ultra Drive. If the addition of
the two values exceeds the limit value then a warning message is displayed and the variable in the Ultra Drive is left
unchanged. Focus in not automatically removed from the field so that the additional increments may be executed.
Focus is removed by pressing either the
key. If the Usage is set to Decrease value then operation
is identical except that the decrement value is subtracted from the Ultra Drive data value.
As a Recipe List:
Up to twenty Ultra 3000 parameters can be assigned within the recipe field. Moving the focus, via the
key, to
this field and pressing the
key will cause the data values to be written to the assigned addresses within the Ultra
PM2800U3K Revision 4