Quantum Corp. (NYSE: QTM) is the leading global storage company
specializing in backup, recovery and archive. Combining focused
expertise, customer-driven innovation, and platform independence,
Quantum provides a comprehensive range of disk, tape, media, and
software solutions supported by a world-class sales and service
organization. As a long-standing and trusted partner, the company works
closely with a broad network of resellers, OEMs, and other suppliers to
meet customer’s evolving data protection needs.
For assistance contact Quantum Technical Assistance center:
North America
UK, France, and Germany
00800 4 QUANTUM
+44 1256 848 766
For worldwide support:
Backup. Recovery. Archive. It’s What We Do.
©2007 Quantum Corporation. All rights reserved. Quantum, the Quantum logo, and all other
logos are registered trademarks of Quantum Corporation or their respective owners.
20013265-001 June 2007
Quick Start Guide
You should also consider the following safety points:
• Install the drive in an enclosure that limits the user’s access to live parts, gives
adequate system stability and provides the necessary grounding for the drive.
• Provide the correct voltages (+5 VDC and +12 VDC) based on the regulation
applied—Extra Low Voltage (SEC) for UL and CSA, and Safety Extra Low Voltage for
BSI and VDE (if applicable).