Inserting and Ejecting Cartridges
GoVault™ for Windows
Inserting and Ejecting Cartridges
You can insert and eject GoVault cartridges without shutting down the workstation or
server system.
Inserting Cartridges
To insert a cartridge into the GoVault dock:
Verify that the activity LED indicator is on continuously, and not flashing, to signify
that the GoVault dock is functioning correctly.
Carefully slide the cartridge into the GoVault dock until you feel a slight resistance as
the cartridge engages the internal mechanical load/eject mechanism.
If you feel any mechanical resistance as you slide the cartridge into the dock, stop and
make sure the cartridge is oriented properly, with the connector to the rear and the
alignment slot to the upper-right.
Firmly push the cartridge the rest of the way into the dock.
Verify that the front panel activity LED flashes on and off as the operating system
accesses the cartridge.
Figure 10 Inserting a Cartridge
Do not insert a cartridge when the activity LED indicator is either off
or flashing. Doing so might require a manual eject procedure to
remove the cartridge.
The GoVault dock has an internal alignment tab that engages a matching
alignment slot on the upper-right side of the cartridge. This design feature
makes it impossible to insert the cartridge either upside-down or
backwards (see
figure 10
Alignment slot